The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 8: Wizard Attack

In his first official act as a Royal Wandolier, Sam rummages through one of Princess Butter's dresser drawers.

And he promptly drops it on his foot, making him yelp and then laugh in embarrassment.

This does, however, net him a couple of red crayons--or, to be more precise, Red Crayon Essences. Ha ha! Mine now!

Sam also takes a moment to jump on the royal couch, shaking loose a bunch of Springs and Simoleons. Meanwhile, Marlon's ongoing research at the bookshelf produces a few Pencils, which Sam steals. We're learning things!

Still, the pressure is on us to leave the castle and go help Sims in need, so eventually we do just that. Leave the castle, that is. It remains to be seen if we'll be of any use to anyone.

: Wow! A real adventure at last! Who'd have thought? Let's look for someone who needs our help!

Sam nods in agreement, and we set off!

... man, that didn't take long.

: Can you maybe wand those two wooden pieces back into place?

Our first real job! Sam picks up the two platforms and magically glues them to the riverbanks, producing...

A bridge! Which we all make our way across.

: Awesome! You sure are something, Sam.

Our reward is that Barney likes us better and also turns into a Mana sprinkler. Yay!

We have crossed the bridge and entered the next area. Unfortunately, the way onwards appears to end in a small cliff.

: Well... no way we're gettin' up there.

Short game!

: No way, Buddy! Sam can just build us some stairs or something!

Lyndsay looks around the area.

: But there's not even any stairs here to put in place...




: So, Marlon, what do we do?

: I AM?! How am I going to do that?

: If the right Essences go into the bag, it will magically add a new power to Sam's wand.

For no real reason, I feel like this is a good time to remind everybody not to be creepy in my thread!

: Just look for one of these!

Marlon hands Lyndsay the scroll.

: Magic Scrolls like that one are like recipes to unlock new wand powers! In this case, the recipe is for stairs!

Marlon beams at all of us.

: It's all yours, Lyndsay. I leave the rest to you. Good luck, Sam!

And Marlon sparklepoofs back out.

Long pause.

Long pause.

Eventually, Elmira notices us all staring and puts her axe away.


Well, crap. Sam and his friends go into a huddle.

Nothing wrong with this plan!


Next time on MySims Kingdom: We acquire an axe through the abuse of eminent domain! Or something like that, anyway.